
In a world of increasing data flows, and rapidly-moving variables, the need for rapid distillation of critical information is increasing at break-neck speed.

Many problems require new and innovative solutions.

As Principal Consultant of Q Insight, Sam Qualtrough brings a unique skill set to client engagements. He has a long track record in commercial property advisory, having provided strategic property development advice to major retail organisations, as well as to State and Local Government bodies.

He also brings a passion for communication and insight, determined to ensure that reports do not simply “gather dust on the shelf”: instead, analysis is communicated throughout the organisation, from initial data mining, to aggregated findings, and ultimately crystalised into insights at the highest decision-making level.

Sam’s focus at Q Insight, is to “unlock” the value for clients, and facilitate a fresh approach.

Please contact us, or view Sam Qualtrough‘s profile on LinkedIn to find out more.
Q Insight
